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WHO Statement of Concern WHO Statement of Concern

Date added: 02/18/2013
Date modified: 02/19/2013
Filesize: 172.36 kB
Downloads: 2908

Full title: Statement of Concern - The international public health community responds to the global alcohol producers' attempts to implement the WHO global strategy on the harmful use of alcohol

On October 8th 2012, thirteen of world’s largest alcohol producers issued a set of commitments to reduce the harmful use of alcohol worldwide, ostensibly in support of the World Health Organization’s 2010 Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol.

The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA), as an independent coalition of public health professionals, health scientists and NGO representatives, was submitted this public Statement of Concern to the WHO Secretariat in response to the activities of the global alcohol producers. Discussions on industry involvement at the AMPHORA project final conference have contributed to this document.

Will emergency and surgical patients participate in and complete alcohol interventions? Will emergency and surgical patients participate in and complete alcohol interventions?

Date added: 07/10/2012
Date modified: 07/10/2012
Filesize: 291.07 kB
Downloads: 3150

Authors: Pedersen B, Oppedal K, Egund L, Tønnesen H.

In the everyday surgical life, staff may experience that patients with Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) seem reluctant to participate in alcohol intervention programs. The objective was therefore to assess acceptance of screening and intervention as well as adherence to the intervention program among emergency department (ED) and surgical patients with AUDs.