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WP 5 - Stepped Cluster RCT comparing incentives for implementation

Lead by Preben Bendtsen - Linköping University (LIU), Sweden

The overall objective was to study a number of factors that might increase implementation of evidence-based methods of identification and brief intervention for excessive alcohol consumption in routine primary health care.

The study design was a stepped cluster RCT in 5 countries and the endpoint of the study is the number of interventions delivered during a certain time period.

More specifically, this work package examined:

  1. The effect of Continuous Medical Education (CME) to PHC providers
  2. The effect of financial reimbursement to PHC providers as a pay-for-performance of brief alcohol interventions
  3. Whether an alternative internet based method of delivering brief intervention can increase the proportion of patients reached
  4. If an additional implementation strategy will give an added value to one already adopted.


Work package 5 outputs

Countries' own-language information and material:

(Tryck på länken gå till test, välj språk och sedan kommer man till en meny där man kan välja alkoholtetstet.)