WP 5 - Stepped Cluster RCT comparing incentives for implementation
Lead by Preben Bendtsen - Linköping University (LIU), Sweden
The overall objective was to study a number of factors that might increase implementation of evidence-based methods of identification and brief intervention for excessive alcohol consumption in routine primary health care.
The study design was a stepped cluster RCT in 5 countries and the endpoint of the study is the number of interventions delivered during a certain time period.
More specifically, this work package examined:
- The effect of Continuous Medical Education (CME) to PHC providers
- The effect of financial reimbursement to PHC providers as a pay-for-performance of brief alcohol interventions
- Whether an alternative internet based method of delivering brief intervention can increase the proportion of patients reached
- If an additional implementation strategy will give an added value to one already adopted.
Work package 5 outputs
- WP5 Factsheet
- Deliverable 5.1 - RCT protocol
- Deliverable 5.2 - Implementation science
- Deliverable 5.3 - Implementation guide
- Randomised controlled trial datasets (for logged-in users)
- Scientific Publications
- Keurhorst, M., Heinen, M., Colom, J., Linderoth, C., Müssener, U., Okulicz-Kozaryn, K. et al. (2016) Strategies in primary healthcare to implement early identification of risky alcohol consumption: why do they work or not? A qualitative evaluation of the ODHIN study. BMC Family Practice 2016;17(1), 1.
Bendtsen, P., Müssener, U., Karlsson, N., López-Pelayo, H., Palacio-Vieira, J., Colom, J., Gual, A., Reynolds, J., Wallace, P., Segura, L. & Anderson, P. (2016). Implementing referral to an electronic alcohol brief advice website in primary healthcare: results from the ODHIN implementation trial. BMJ open, 6(6), e010271.
- Anderson, P., Gual, A., Spak, F., Bendtsen, P., Keurhorst, M., Segura, L. et al. (2013). Implementing brief interventions for heavy drinking in primary health care - ODHIN baseline and preliminary outcome results. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 48(suppl 1),58
- Keurhorst, M. N., Anderson, P., Spak, F., Bendtsen, P., Segura, L., Colom, J. et al. (2013). Implementing training and support, financial reimbursement, and referral to an internet-based brief advice program to improve the early identification of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in primary care (ODHIN): study protocol for a cluster randomized factorial trial. Implementation Science, 8(1), 11.
- Scientific Publications
Countries' own-language information and material:
(Tryck på länken gå till test, välj språk och sedan kommer man till en meny där man kan välja alkoholtetstet.)