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ODHIN Technical Reports and Deliverables


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Deliverable 5.3 Implementation guide Deliverable 5.3 Implementation guide

Date added: 12/29/2014
Date modified: 06/14/2016
Filesize: 234.57 kB
Downloads: 6245

Improving the delivery of brief advice for heavy drinking in primary health care - summary and implementation guide for policy makers.

This report summarises the results of the randomised controlled trial performed in WP5 of the ODHIN project, which aimed to test different strategies for increasing the level of screening and delivering advice for heavy drinking in primary health care settings. Based on the findings, recommendations for policy makers and service commissioners for the future roll out of these strategies are presented.

ODHIN Second Periodic Report ODHIN Second Periodic Report

Date added: 05/09/2014
Date modified: 12/15/2016
Filesize: 3.68 MB
Downloads: 5973

ODHIN Second periodic technical report as submitted to the European Commission.

This report details the scientific project work undertaken in all work packages between 1st January 2011 and 31st December 2013.

Deliverable 4.1 - Survey of attitudes and managing alcohol problems in general practice in Europe Deliverable 4.1 - Survey of attitudes and managing alcohol problems in general practice in Europe

Date added: 03/27/2014
Date modified: 06/18/2014
Filesize: 2.91 MB
Downloads: 12331

Deliverable 6.1 Assessment tool - Report Deliverable 6.1 Assessment tool - Report

Date added: 02/24/2014
Date modified: 09/17/2014
Filesize: 1.09 MB
Downloads: 7609

ODHIN Assessment tool - Report: A description of the available services for the management of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in Europe
Deliverable D6.1, Work Package 6

Deliverable 2.1 - Literature review of SBI for lifestyle issues Deliverable 2.1 - Literature review of SBI for lifestyle issues

Date added: 01/20/2014
Date modified: 06/13/2016
Filesize: 1.33 MB
Downloads: 6073

A literature review to provide the knowledge base of successful implementation of screening and brief intervention for lifestyle issues in every day routine primary health care practice.